chef@avalon:~/projects/http-perf-testing git:(main)$ for script in */*/; do echo $script; $script 2>/dev/null; done go/gin/ Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/ 2 threads and 500 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 7.97ms 7.26ms 116.72ms 82.82% Req/Sec 33.64k 2.96k 47.54k 71.55% Latency Distribution 50% 6.66ms 75% 10.02ms 90% 15.81ms 99% 36.91ms 2010388 requests in 30.06s, 266.50MB read Requests/sec: 66875.64 Transfer/sec: 8.87MB python/flask/ Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/ 2 threads and 500 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 221.70ms 11.76ms 288.46ms 95.05% Req/Sec 1.13k 43.04 1.18k 94.50% Latency Distribution 50% 220.30ms 75% 223.29ms 90% 227.40ms 99% 240.09ms 67396 requests in 30.03s, 10.41MB read Requests/sec: 2243.99 Transfer/sec: 355.01KB rust/axum/ Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/ 2 threads and 500 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 4.14ms 2.94ms 34.66ms 76.81% Req/Sec 55.19k 8.71k 84.30k 71.89% Latency Distribution 50% 3.12ms 75% 5.61ms 90% 8.35ms 99% 13.22ms 3292017 requests in 30.06s, 389.30MB read Requests/sec: 109509.59 Transfer/sec: 12.95MB