import "./Index.css"; const Index = () => { return (

2022-2023 Dashboard

RIT is not providing a COVID dashboard for the 2022-2023 semester. As such, I have no source for any data to update this dashboard.

At the beginning of the semester, claimed that a new dashboard would be published, as visible in{" "} this snapshot taken August 2nd on . However, that was removed sometime between August 15th and August 31st, as seen in{" "} this snapshot taken August 31st. {" "} The updated site did claim "The level of COVID RNA found in this week’s wastewater samples is slightly higher than last spring".

There is a{" "} PawPrints petition to restore the COVID dashboard {" "} so students can see the current level of risk. If you're concerned about RIT's handling of the pandemic, you should sign this! Unless RIT gives us the dashboard back, we have no visiblity into how many cases there are on campus.

Prior Dashboards

The dashboards from the last two years are still online. I'll be keeping them up indefinitely so everyone can see RIT's handling of the pandemic.

The dashboard for the 2020-2021 school year is available at{" "}

The dashboard for the 2021-2022 school year is available at{" "}

If you would like the raw data I've collected, or have any questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to me at

); }; export default Index;